Saturday, 21 September 2024 08:33 GMT

 Future of Work & HR Saudi

Future of Work & HR Saudi


Considering recent events with the Coronavirus Pandemic, we have been forced to re-think how business can happen. The Future of Work & HR Saudi Virtual Confex has been created to shed light on how to kickstart the saudi arabia's economy by making the virtual workforce work collaboratively and cohesively to achieve the desired performance and results amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

The webinar is designed for Government Leaders, C-Level Executives , business heads, HR leaders and training managers, to connect with innovators and digital solution providers to come together to discuss on how to motivate, enable and create a wholistic working culture and in turn ensure business continuity and resilience.


 Saudi Arabia
  Saudi Arabia
Start Date:
 Jun 16, 2020
End Date:
 Jun 17, 2020
** To register please Click Here