Thursday, 02 May 2024 12:30 GMT

 Oil & Gas Project Risk Management

Oil & Gas Project Risk Management


Delegates are set to gain maximum value from the ample time dedicated to group exercises and discussion with the expert, who has over 30 years of hands on experience and hundreds of examples of successful projects of varying sizes and complexity to share.

To ensure that exercises and discussions remain highly relevant to your job scope and sectorm delegates will be divided into groups of four or five of similar background to ensure that they gain maximum value with practical knowledge relevant to their area of expertise.

JOIN us at Oil and Gas Project Risk Management Masterclass & GRAB this opportunity in:

- Develop a detailed risk management plan to guide risk management

- Build Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS) and risk register that is complete
and accurate.

- Improve communications between all parties involved in a project to
ensure success.

- Learn cutting edge techniques and hear updated best practices to reduce
risk of cost and schedule.

- Choose the type of contract to meet the specific risk needs of the

- Prepare the risk response strategies to control risks and maximize

- Understand the risks involved in each area of the oil and gas project.

- Assss own organizational risk management practices against the best in
the world (PMI model)

- Create risk management practices in own organization to proactively
address any risk on own project.

The Certificate of Attendance for this course will qualify for 14 PDUs (Professional Development Units) Plus! Free take home risk management toolbox.



 Pan Pacific Bangkok
Start Date:
 Mar 24, 2008
End Date:
 Mar 25, 2008
 Oil & Energy
Business & Finance
** To register please Click Here