Deceptive revolutions O Syrians, return to your land

(MENAFN- Arab Times) IT is time to talk about Syria in a straightforward manner.

The misery has been continuing for seven years now. It is time for an end to this misery and to the series of making Syrians pay the price of the adventures and schemes of the Muslim Brotherhood Group, the Regime in Tehran, and those behind all the chaos including Israel and the United States of America, which is the main guarantor of Tel Aviv's security.

As we review what happened in Libya and Iraq, and where the situation has ended for Lebanon, we ought to thank Almighty Allah for His divine grace, and the stance taken by masses with the support of the best soldiers on the face of the earth for rescuing Egypt from the claws of the Muslim Brotherhood Group and its arm Hamas - the mediator between the group and Iran.

We must acknowledge the cohesion and solidarity of the state in Syria which stood firm against the wave of schemes tailored by the evil sprout masquerading as aspersion group, as it crushed the plot to divide Syria.

If Syria had taken a different route, it would have become like Libya, which was toppled by the conspiracy of the Muslim Brotherhood Group within days and transformed into a center of regional tension where scores of terrorist militias gather and divide areas of control so that these areas serve as launch pads for wrecking Egypt, Tunisia and other neighboring countries.

The demons of division woke up once again to divide the three countries, which is exactly what happened in Iraq when the US forces invaded it in 2003. As a result of that, an indirect coalition among Iran, US and Israel was born through gangs of sectarian killings, which led Iraq on the path towards division.

The only way to stop the division in Iraq is by cutting off the Persian claws and burying the sectarian savagery that is represented by the 'Popular Mobilization Forces' and other sectarian militias, after annihilating DAESH.

Syria wasn't far from this scheme. It was suddenly transformed into a battleground for schemes. Refugee camps were opened for the Syrians in Turkey which had also pushed thousands of foreign fighters and hundreds of tons of weaponry to feed the disaster of war.

In turn, Turkey transferred thousands of industries from Aleppo to Turkey in order to enable the Muslim Brotherhood Group to take the reign, or rather to render the group into becoming a force that is able to divide Syria.

If we were to talk more frankly about Syria, we would have to refer to its contemporary history. To be precise, the country, after the exit of French forces in 1946, became prey to those who were greedy for the rule. It reached a point where an officer who wakes up earlier than others ends up issuing the first coup declaration and holds on to the power.

This miserable condition continued until 1970 when the late Syrian leader Hafiz Al-Assad put an end to the wave of coups in Syria, and imposed stability with the force that was needed in this country of strategic location.

Despite all the observations and reservations about Hafith Al-Assad's rule, and far from his standpoint, we need to acknowledge the truth that he, during his reign, managed to build a country of stability, and achieve development using the country's available prospects.

The late Al-Assad also managed to keep Syrians away from the bitterness of sectarianism, the venom of which they are currently enduring due to some groups that are falling for slogans which reflect mercy on the outside but curse on the inside.

The conspiring parties pushed towards Syria to eject Syrians from their land and force them to look for alternative places where they can be sheltered, with the main objective of moving the conflict from Syria to the neighboring countries.

For instance, they wanted to overburden the economy of Jordan and exhaust its military forces by aggravating the problems faced by the refugees, and the conflicts between them and Jordanians, as well as facilitating the entry of militias into Jordan to reach the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries, which represent the grand prize of this scheme.

In the case of Lebanon, the objective of these groups was to push 1.5 million Syrians towards an overstrained country of limited prospects by taking the war to it, but with the help of the Iranian military wing called 'Hezbollah' this time, and inciting tensions between Syrians and Lebanese.

Irrespective of the direct involvement of 'Hezb-Iran' in the war, it managed at the same time to gradually attract Syrian sectarian groups to the Lebanese border. This prevented the State of Lebanon from performing its duties of controlling its borders in the past four years so that it can credit itself for the victory in a situation it created, the end goal of which is to enable the Revolutionary Guards to reach the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea.

Those who refer to history will find that the ongoing conspiracy is renewably old. The Muslim Brotherhood Group had been working on it since its early life in Egypt when it mobilized Egyptians against the monarchy rule, and cooperated with its ally Jamal Abdul Nasser who led the famous overthrow of the monarch rule of King Farouq in 1952.

King Farouq ruled Egypt and Sudan, but after he was overthrown, Sudan separated from Egypt. This led to the release of the ghost of secession and ended with the separation of South Sudan under the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood Group since 1989.

Given that the late Jamal Abdul Nasser, who lifted the slogan of 'Throw Israel into the sea', had engaged in three major wars against Israel, the fact is that Israel, in every war, gained more territory, almost reaching Cairo in 1967.

If it were not for the vision of his successor, the late Anwar Sadat, especially after the 1973 war, and his conviction that the only thing that could kill Israel is peace, Cairo today would have been facing the threat of Israeli guns.

Furthermore, if the Muslim Brotherhood Group had continued to rule Egypt through its puppet Dr. Mohammad Morsi, who is currently facing charges of treason for placing the country's secret at the disposal of Qatar and Israel, Egypt today would have been divided into four.

It is by divine grace followed by the awakening of the people of Egypt and its military through the June 30th Revolution that the entire plot was crushed.

Everyone needs to stand before this reality by comparing the situation in Syria. Despite the corruption that had taken roots in its establishments, Syria was at least a peaceful and stable country that was heading towards development.

If the revolution that broke out in Syria was intended to end corruption, this means almost all nations should revolt against the corruption that exists in their governments; in fact, majority of the democratic governments endure it, first and foremost in the United States of America and Britain.

The current situation in Syria is related to the destruction of the state and its people, and cementation of sectarianism, which itself is a typical case of corruption. Aren't corruption and destruction synonyms to the presence of scores of armed militias that are spreading destruction?

Therefore, the remedy to this issue is neither civil wars nor burying heads in the sand to avoid facing reality, which is that the Syrians are victims of deception. Yes, the Syrians were duped and thrown into the hell of disaster.

If there is anyone who is striving to ensure and safeguard the welfare of Syrians, he should start by returning Syrians back to their country. Such a move will prevent Syria from dividing, considering the fact that its division might become a virus that will affect the entire Arab world.

Once that happens, the Persian expansionism scheme will be realized along with Israel's control of the Arab world through the Muslim Brotherhood Group. The objective of the latter is not to establish divine rule, but to protect the security of Israel, either through their knowledge or based on their narrow mindedness towards issues.

Indeed, the Syrians should realize that they were the victims of the major deception called 'The Revolution'.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah - Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times


Arab Times

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