Friday, 19 April 2024 11:20 GMT

 Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

Root Cause Analysis (RCA)


Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a methodology for finding and correcting the most important reasons for performance problems.

It is different from troubleshooting and problem-solving as these disciplines typically seek solutions to specific difficulties, whereas RCA is directed at underlying issues.

The basic RCA method is to simply ask "Why" over and over again until you arrive at a Root Cause.

The real question then becomes: how do we know when to stop asking "Why"? At what point are we satisfied that we've identified a Root Cause? What is a Root Cause? These are questions that constantly spark disagreement among RCA practitioners.


Start Date:
 Oct 31, 2010
End Date:
 Nov 02, 2010
 Business & Finance
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