Tuesday, 23 April 2024 08:08 GMT


Economic Capital and Applied Credit Portfolio Management


Spurred on by a combination of regulatory and internal drivers, many financial institutions neglected economic capital for many years in favour of the regulatory capital requirements stipulated by regulations such as Basel III. Yet in truth economic capital is of fundamental importance to obtaining excellence in an institution’s financial performance. Firms need to be able to effectively allocate their capital to optimize financial performance, and in order to do this need to be able to model capital against their risk exposures. This course will offer an in-depth and comprehensive study of what financial professionals need to know in order to exhibit mastery of economic capital, which is an essential component any financial institutions financial office.


 New York City, United States of America
  United States
Start Date:
 Oct 16, 2014
End Date:
 Oct 17, 2014
 Business & Finance
** To register please Click Here