Friday, 19 April 2024 04:32 GMT


CDN World Forum


Taking place on the 21st - 22nd June 2011, the CDN World Forum is a Free-to-attend event and will feature all of the key players within the Content Delivery market. The CDN World Forum will look at the current marketplace with current and future business models. The event will look at implementation strategies with best practice and benchmarking approaches. The CDN World Forum will also define the link between cloud computing.

About Content Delivery Networks:

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) let you position your content or website across multiple, geographically dispersed servers to make your pages load faster for end-users.

CDNs can distribute static and multimedia content to accelerate delivery of your websites and supplement your infrastructure to help you reach far-off site visitors.

Companies should choose CDNs carefully and objectively measure CDN performance to measure the benefits that each CDN provides
to its end-users in key geographies. Companies need to evaluate CDN performance to be sure the network solves your specific problem and justifies the investment.

Once a CDN has been chosen, companies should ensure both ongoing service delivery and SLA (Service Level Agreement) compliance.

It is important to ascertain whether, over time, the CDN continues to provide a significant improvement in performance for all your users.

Show Highlights:

- 2 Day Conference focusing on Content Delivery Networks
- Co-located with the Cloud Computing World Forum - over 3000 senior IT decision makers expected
- Keynote theatre featuring leading industry speakers
- Breakout conference seminars covering all key questions currently being asked
- Technical symposium for advanced level discussion
- More case studies than any other like event
- Learn from the key players offering leading products and services
- Breakfast briefing style networking and discussion sessions
- CIO networking lounge
- Benefit from our intimate conference atmosphere within the larger surroundings of the main exhibition floor
- Pre-show online meeting planner
- Evening networking reception for all attendees


 Olympia , London
  United Kingdom
Start Date:
 Jun 21, 2011
End Date:
 Jun 22, 2011
 Telecom & Tech
** To register please Click Here