Soros vs Trump: DEFCON 2

(MENAFN- Trend News Agency ) Baku, Azerbaijan, Sept. 12

By Alan Hope – Trend:

The stumbling block in America's path of becoming Great Again

The 45th President of the United States of America, elected by the overwhelming majority of the country's popular vote as well as its electorate college, a well-established businessman, author of several books and reality television personality, viewed as controversial and obscene, as much fascinating by many, Mr. Donald John trump began his term in the office on Jan 20, 2017.

Up until the month of Aug he had issued more than 42 executive orders and 51 presidential memoranda, some argued to be objective, while others questionable, and yet, America is still anticipating the fulfillment of Trump's campaign promises. Some political circles, overlooking the consequent international and domestic crises, on top of the constant staff reshuffling faced by the administration, had already proclaimed Trump to be a lame duck, slow-paced by his inability and incompetence to govern. Notwithstanding, there seems to be a real stumbling block obstructing Trump's endeavor to 'Make America Great Again.'

"Cui bono?"

It all has started on Mar 17, 2016, when several notable conservatives, gathered together by Erick Erickson and Co, had met at the Army and Navy Club in Washington D.C. incepting the Stop Trump Movement. The consensus on the prevention strategy was reached, followed by the political action committees' (PAC) dark money accumulated million dollar expenditures aimed against Trump's GOP nomination the Republican National Convention in July.

The Movement's battlefield-dropped-flag was quickly picked up by the Hillary Clinton supporters, stung by their candidate's unanticipated loss to Donald Trump. Same supporters were instrumental in the launch of the FBI investigation, based on the US intelligence agencies' 'conclusion' of the Russian government's alleged interference in the 2016 election. Playing The Delegitimization Card, yelling the battle cries, such as 'Resist!' and 'Not my President,' the Movement masked as a 'resistance' campaign continued on by rallies, turning ever violent.

Meanwhile, the campaign was fueled by the funds from the Democratic Party's Priorities USA Action super-PAC and substantial financial contributions of other sympathizers, including, among others, none other than George Soros, one of the world's most successful financial speculators and richest people.

The same infamous George Soros self-admittedly spent $27M to oppose George Bush's 2004 re-election and had poured $13M in support of Hillary Clinton. The same Soros, who after Trump's victory, had announced his Open Society Foundation's (OSF) $10M initiative, aimed at 'the support of the communities potentially targeted by 'hateful acts' related to the Trump agenda,' in support of the Democratic Alliance looking to fund numerous groups to combat Trump's policies. The very same Soros, who at the World Economic Forum in Davos, had described Trump 'as an impostor and a con man and a would-be dictator.'

Who is Mr. Soros?

A Hungarian born, naturalized American citizen, György Schwartz, presently George Soros (87) had, as a teenager, bared a witness to a Nazi occupation of Hungary in 1944. Being of Jewish origin, he had managed to conceal his true identity in an environment where an estimated 500,000 Jews were slaughtered within the 10 months occupation. Though, it's been widely reported on his participation in Hungarian Jews' assets seizures, it's hard to imagine that a 14-year old boy would collaborate with Nazis of his own free will.

In 1947, Soros had immigrated to England. He studied at the London School of Economics earning a Bachelor (1951) and then a Master (1954) degrees in philosophy. At that time, riding the coattails of Karl Popper, Soros had development his Reflexivity Theory, arguing that, 'that market values are often driven by the fallible ideas of participants, not only by the economic fundamentals of the situation.'

Soros's post-graduate business career started to shape up by 1969, when he set up the Double Eagle hedge fund. Nonetheless, his relative success was smudged by the allegations of insider trading practices brought by the French stock exchange regulatory authority – COB investigating Soros's 1989 stock acquisitions of four French companies including Société Générale, Suez, Paribas, and the Compagnie Générale d'Électricité. French Supreme Court convicted Soros on insider trading charges and ordered him to pay the penalty to €940,000 in 2006. Soros's appeal was rejected by the European Court of Human Rights in 2011, on the grounds of his awareness of the risk associated with insider trading law violations.

Notwithstanding, Soros's true star had shone on Sept 16, 1992, wider known as UK's Black Wednesday. Prior to that day his Quantum Fund was building a short position in UK sterling against the German mark. As an end result, Soros was estimated to make $1B, while sterling lost 15% and 25% vs the mark and the US dollar respectively.
Later, dubbed as "the man who broke the Bank of England,' Soros had attributed his success to the implementation of his Reflexivity Theory. Ultimately, UK was forced to withdraw from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), which, despite the strong economic recovery and significant fall of unemployment rate, was seen as an economic failure, triggering the defeat of John Major's Conservative government in May of 1997.

Same year, Soros had pulled yet another rabbit out of the hat, when he bet against Thai baht and Malaysian ringgit, ultimately causing the 1997 Asian financial crisis. The latest Soros's stunt, dated to 2013, had caused 17% devaluation of the Japanese yen, while his family investment fund had returned 10%, profiting another $1B.

Philanthropy? Ha!

Throughout the years increasing reports have indicated not only Soros's somewhat questionable and unethical business practices, but pointed his indirect involvement in the meddling of political establishments of the Eastern European countries and the former Soviet states. Though no actual evidence of his personal financial gains had been presented to the date, his political aspirations have been steadily pouring through his 'benevolence related donations' to the non-governmental organizations (NGO).

Soros's fascination with NGOs is best explained by Alexis Tocqueville statement that, 'organizations that are neither commercial nor governmental play' the role of 'voluntary associations identifying and promoting public interest issues.' Thus, the combination of enormous financial resources, summed up with Soros financed NGOs, which in turn attract thousands of activists through social networks and media outlets enables him to push his so-called non-violent democratization for the 'less fortunate states.'

At the center of Soros's so-called 'philanthropy' stands the 1984 established OSF, with current annual budget of nearly $1B. OSF, initially dedicated to the construction of 'vibrant and tolerant societies, whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people,' as stated on the foundation's website. Nevertheless, topping that with an international media organization that publishes and syndicates commentary and analysis on a variety of important global topics, as well as distributes its products to wide network of partner publications for print like Project Syndicate (as of 2016, it has a network of 459 media outlets in 155 countries) Soros gets a platform to launch his long-standing 'passion of a social change.'

The foundation, together with its subsidiaries, became instrumental in Soros operations related to the overthrow of the legitimately elected governments. For this purpose, he utilizes time proven script consisting of Delegitimization of the government, followed by Criminalization of the society and Devaluation of the sovereign currency, the ultimate result, going to the motive of the whole operation as personal gain.

This had been witnessed lately in FYR Makedonia, where the OFS created 'crisis' centering on abuse of power, involving illegal wiretapping, forced the resignation of the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski. The sentiment of Soros's involvement was echoed by Hungarian leader Viktor Orbán, who also blamed Soros for 'causing trouble' and influencing Hungarian politics with his money in the view on the foreclosure of the Central European University in Budapest, calling for the "de-Sorosization purge." The latest had occurred on the eve of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Hungary on July 18, 2017.

It should be noted, that technically a Holocaust survivor, Soros had been known for his incomprehensible anti-Semitic stance. In his interview to The New Yorker magazine he openly declared that, his 'mother was quite anti-Semitic, and ashamed of being Jewish,' continuing, 'given the culture in which one lived, being Jewish was a clear-cut stigma, disadvantage, a handicap-and, therefore, there was always the desire to transcend it, to escape it.' Soros's view on the Israel existence as a state is also equivocal as, he doesn't 'deny the Jews their right to a national existence, but … don't want to be a part of it.' In the wake of the abovementioned visit Israel's MFA had classified Soros as a person 'who continuously undermines Israel's democratically elected governments by funding organizations that defame the Jewish state and seek to deny it the right to defend itself.'

So, what has Soros been involved in lately?

It seems that failing in his wars against the Mafia States of his former fatherland, namely Europe, George Soros had turned his eyes to his new homeland – the United States. It's been already proven that Soros financed NGOs were active participants of the anti-Trump initiatives. His financial infusions into the radical and extremist elements operating on US soil are currently being investigated by law-enforcement agencies. On top of that, Soros, famed for his liberalism, had shown that he has no moral issues funding the adversary camp, donating $100,000 to Sen John McCain's 'legacy' foundation.

As of late, Soros, who had previously left the management of the Soros Fund Management, LLC to his son, is back at helm of the investment company, restructured from the Hedge Fund into a family office. Upon return, the billionaire has matched up his investments in line with his prognoses of the future market falter due to uncertainties concerning Trump, acquiring a number of positions, which are likely to profit if the financial markets stumble. Basically, Soros, who according to the Wall Street Journal had sustained a loss of $1B as a result of Trump's victory, is actually playing to short the United States.

Thus, it's fair to argue that Soros, within his long-devised and tested script, is playing Delegitimization and Criminalization cards, aiming for the Devaluation outcome, basically declaring an all-out war on Trump. One could describe this trend in the behavior of a person as borderline psychopathic and would hope that this vengeful pursuit of one diminished dignity would not outcome in another JFK scenario or the one resulting in Civil War.


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