Operation Decisive Storm UAE press conference in depth

(MENAFN- Emirates News Agency (WAM)) The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday hosted a joint press conference by the UAE and Yemen Foreign Ministers. Here follows the full verbatim text of the statements of the two Ministers:

Introductory remarks from H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister:
Peace Be Upon You, and Good Evening. I am sorry for being late. I had an interesting conversation with the Yemeni Minister, so I was late.

Today I had the honour to meet my counterpart, the Yemeni Foreign Minister, Riyad Yassin. We discussed the latest developments in Yemen. We also tackled the importance of the UAE and other GCC States through the Operation Decisive Storm coalition led by Saudi Arabia, supporting Yemen and its legitimate authorities in this critical situation.

In the light of these exceptional conditions, we had to take exceptional decisions. We are peace makers in the UAE, but the Houthis' actions and their violation of legitimacy, peace and security, as well as the GCC Initiative, had forced us to support the legitimate authorities in Yemen when invited by them to do so.

President Hadi requested the UN Security Council and the international community to back legitimacy in Yemen.

For a long time, Riyadh has been exerting huge efforts to hold a conference on Yemeni reconciliation, but its efforts were completely rejected by the Houthis and the group of the former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who seek to change the political reality and intimidate the Yemenis.

We can not accept any strategic threat to the security of GCC states. Throughout what we have seen from the external links of the Houthi militias, they adopted a foreign policy agenda that does not recognise the sense of love or loyalty to the homeland. These agendas are rejected, as they contradict the sense of national belonging, violate international law and are incompatible with the legitimate government and aspirations of the people of Yemen.

While speaking with Yemen's Foreign Minister, I have emphasised that the UAE will back Yemen in its humanitarian, security and political needs. The Houthi militias are the main culprits for the deterioration of humanitarian situation. After a long discussion with him, I stressed the importance of the provision of humanitarian assistance to the people of Yemen.

History will testify that the UAE has been backing Yemen for ages, and still supports the restoration of its position as a viable secure state for the people of Yemen.

I want to take this opportunity to extend thanks and appreciation to all friendly countries which have been keen to back the people of Yemen through support for Operation Decisive Storm. In this regard, I call upon all fraternal and friendly countries to work together, and for those who did not yet join Operation Decisive Storm to support the legitimate authorities in Yemen in the best possible way.

I extend my greetings to our youth in the UAE Armed Forces and in other sisterly and friendly countries for their safeguarding of the security of Yemen and the GCC States. I tell them that their courage, loyalty and self denial are not only devoted to protecting our gains, achievements and lives, but also would contribute to curbing extremism in all its forms, as well as to establishing the values of tolerance in an atmosphere of security and stability for future generations.

Brothers, the people of Yemen deserve our pledge that their country would witness a brighter future and civil system agreed by all and not based on a foreign agenda, or pressure or force, but on a fair representation for all the Yemeni (political) spectrum in accordance with the political track that has been violated by the Houthis.

I am sorry for taking a long time. My counterpart, the Foreign Minister of Yemen, may want to deliver a statement before receiving questions from the journalists.

Yemeni Foreign Minister Riyadh Yassin:

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate;
First of all, allow me to thank my brother Sheikh Abdullah for the warm hospitality. This is nothing unfamiliar in the country of "The Arab's Wise Man, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. We are grateful to the UAE for its efforts in Yemen, especially in the development field, in contrast to the destructive approach which is being adopted by other countries. On the other hand, you know Yemen's legitimate leadership was forced to ask for intervention by the Arab countries. We did not plan for developments as they unfolded.

We have started a new era where words started before actions; we have commenced strong actions which will restore the history of the Arab nations and its correct course.

Today, I also extend thanks to all the GCC states and to the Arab coalition which are sending their sons to fight and sacrifice their lives for the people of Yemen so that the political geography of the region is not changed and is not the subject of any unrealistic expansion.

We are still convinced that political dialogue is essential and required, as the war will not continue for long, since wise men are calling for dialogue for the sake of the future of Yemen and the people of Yemen.

There are some assurances, as I can affirm that the tenure of the former Yemeni Ambassador in the UAE, Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh, has been terminated. I can also emphasise, as we discussed with my brother Sheikh Abdullah, that an integrated system for humanitarian relief services will be established in the coming days. We are embarking on an urgent plan to safeguard the infrastructure in different Yemeni cities, especially Aden which is facing unjustified and barbaric attacks from the Houthis.

We wish to see you in the coming times in our homeland when Yemen restores peace and stability.

There followed a question and answer session:

Question to the UAE Foreign Minister, from Abdullah Al-Mutawa of Al-Arabiya: There are active political and diplomatic efforts in the region regarding Yemen. Is it possible to talk about the stability of some regional countries to calm the situation on the ground and to begin dialogue among the parties? Is there a specific date set by the GCC to submit the draft resolution on Yemen to the UN Security Council? Did the coalition countries coalition guarantee that Russia will not use its veto (in the Security Council)?

Sheikh Abdullah: We are at the end of it, and I want to emphasise the words of my brother the Foreign Minister of Yemen: we want a political solution. That's our goal. We want to bring about a political solution that will save Yemen and Yemenis. If we can achieve this solution today, we would welcome it. But unfortunately, the Houthi group has recanted from its previous pledges. Today we are also involved in the consultations at the UN Security Council led by Jordan, the Arab representative at the Security Council. Regarding these consultations, there are some positive signs, and we can, in the coming days, have the possibility of voting on a resolution without any obstacles. We want to secure the majority of votes to demonstrate to the world the strength of the coalition to safeguard and restore legitimacy.

There is no one who doubts the legitimacy of the Yemeni government, but those who try to question it do so for other secondary issues. This legitimate authority today asks the GCC and its allies for protection. No one can dispute this legally or at the level of international law. We are interested in reaching the resolution in the Security Council, to impose on the parties that they should first participate in the dialogue, led by the president.

The UN Security Council resolution must impose an embargo on arms purchases by the Houthis group. We trust in the ability of our colleagues in New York to convince their colleagues in the Security Council to reach a resolution based on the consensus of all members.

Question to the UAE Foreign Minister: You referred to the invitation to sisterly and friendly countries to join Operation Decisive Storm. Does that mean that the GCC, and particularly the coalition, will specifically lead the region in tackling the Arab conflicts? I refer here to the counter-terrorism and the situation in Syria.

Sheikh Abdullah: We do not anticipate the events. We are talking about the unfolding developments in Yemen today. The Yemen situation today requires us to end this tragedy as soon as possible. We intervened militarily to back the legitimate authorities. The Houthis took part in the dialogue and accepted the resolutions by pledging to respect legitimacy and to disarm. They also pledged eight months ago not to join the constitutional institutions. They put themselves in this situation.

Today, we are at the United Nations in the light of those initiatives. When I speak about the GCC initiative, I speak about a peace and partnership initiative. All the Yemeni parties had pledged to respect the deal. But the Houthis did not respect their pledge, hence, we were forced to protect legitimacy. Today, we are obliged to stand with the people of Yemen and to bail them out of this crisis and tragedy as soon as possible.

Question to the UAE Foreign Minister from Heba Nasri of Sky News Arabia: The Arabs' dealing with the Yemeni file constitutes a turning point regarding the tackling by the Arabs of Iranian interference in many Arab countries- leading to a sharp polarisation. Will this polarisation lead to more collisions, or are we proceeding towards settlement? In the event of a settlement, will it be limited to the Yemeni file or include other issues?

Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed: It is apparent today that journalists want to anticipate events. We are talking about a subject that concerns us - Yemen. We want it to return to the Arab nation to which the people of Yemen belong. Yemen has been kidnapped from the Arabs and the region. If we say that our roots go back to Yemen, then we have to protect them. Some are trying to divert attention from this issue. We say we have been attacked in our homes, and if we do not back Yemen, we will regret it as there are other Arab and regional issues at stake. We, as the Gulf Cooperation Council, have to support our brothers in Yemen.

There is a long way to go, and the issue will not be resolved by the military operations. We look forward to seeing Yemen standing on its feet in the next period.

Question to Sheikh Abdullah: The military operation enters its third week on Thursday. There is a lot being said about the inability of the airstrikes alone to change the situation on the ground. Is there a trend or a request from the Yemeni side or a step from the coalition countries to move (to action) on land now, in the light of the passing of two weeks of this campaign? Thank you.

Sheikh Abdullah: To be realistic, I must say that we cannot put any limits on our choices. We are in constant coordination with our brothers, the Yemeni leaders. We are in constant coordination with Yemen's President and my Yemeni counterpart. They brief us on ideas and proposals, and we do not act without a green light from the Yemeni leadership.

Emirates News Agency (WAM)

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